👋 ¡Hola! I'm Hyun Sung (현승)*, a Korean Spanish designer currently based in Germany. Over the last decade, I've been creating user experiences, interfaces and brands.

*If my name sounds too complicated, you can also call me Leo

I'm a multidisciplinary team player with a holistic vision of digital products, from user to business. I ♡ to collaborate with professionals with diverse backgrounds and explore different perspectives. I easily adapt to changes and seek continuous improvement both as a designer and as a human being.

As everything in life, I believe that product design needs the right balance. Between business, technological and users requirements; functionality and aesthetic; organization and chaos. Having grown up with two cultures as opposite as Spanish and Korean taught me that there's no right or wrong in a lot of matters and that most of the times it's a matter of perspective and biases. That's why I’ve always felt so empathic in my day-to-day.

In the past, I've been passionate about startups and innovation. In Kypseli, we helped fellow entrepreneurs to design and develop digital products, focusing on startups’ needs to successfully build their MVP.

After three thrilling years walking through the path of entrepreneurship, I was looking forward to working in a team with other designers and dig deeper into design management issues (DesignOps). Thanks to Sanga and Unicaja, I keep learning new things everyday.

Other designs that I developed in the past include: Elitenics (brand and website), Kypseli (brand and website), Whanau (brand), Acupunturamin (brand and website), and Wiffinity (brand, UX/UI).

Check out my LinkedIn profile to see my full resume.

⭐️ Bonus: A little about my personal life
I like spending my free time playing some piano to relax, reading to keep learning, taking beautiful pictures when I travel, playing padel and tennis (mens sana in corpore sano), and pulling some nice espresso coffees while I work. I enjoy taking care of my personal space and relationships, which are core pillars of my life.